Maui, Hawaii
Session 1: ROK Foreign Policy: The Meaning and Practice of Trustpolitik
What is the meaning and thrust of ROK foreign policy under President Park Geun-hye? What are the ROK’s foreign policy priorities and how are they to be implemented? How does it define success? What are working assumptions about regional dynamics? What is the role of the US-ROK alliance in this structure? What is the ROK public’s assessment of foreign policy priorities and the performance of the new government?
US presenter: Scott SNYDER
ROK presenter: Dr. Shin Boem Chul
Session 2: Dealing with North Korea
How does each country assess developments in North Korea? Is extended deterrence still working? How do ROK and US policies toward the DPRK align? How did Pyongyang interpret and respond to US and ROK messages in recent months? How can we best influence Pyongyang and shape its behavior? Where are the potential problems as we deal with the North? What is the status and direction of North Korea’s nuclear program?
US presenter: David WOLFF
ROK presenter: Dr. CHOI Kang
Session 3: Views of Japanese Defense Modernization
How does each country assess the Japanese government attempts to update its defense policy? What worries each country? Why? How does each evaluate the move to create a National Security Council, reinterpret the right of collective self-defense, and the debate over offensive strike options? What is the meaning and significance of a policy of “proactive pacifism”? How does each assess the last Security Consultative Committee (SCC) statement? How do Japanese defense modernization plans affect Japan’s ability to contribute to extended deterrence?
US presenter: Brad GLOSSERMAN
ROK presenter: Dr. BONG Youngshik
Session 4: Defense Modernization Efforts
What is the status of defense modernization efforts in the ROK? What are the chief concerns going forward? What is the status of the current ROK debate over nuclear weapons, regarding both indigenous capability and the reintroduction of US tactical weapons? What is the meaning and significance of the “kill chain” concept? How is the Park government’s defense program different from that of its predecessors? How has and how will US budget politics impact defense planning and readiness? How does this impact the ROK’s ability to contribute to extended deterrence?
US presenter: Lt Col Douglas S. COCHRAN
ROK presenter: Prof. HONG Kyu Dok
Session 5: Issues for the Alliance
How does each country assess the Obama visit to South Korea in April 2014? What are each country’s chief concerns for the alliance? How can those concerns be addressed? How can reassurance be strengthened? What else can be done to strengthen the US-ROK alliance and extended deterrence? What should priorities be? What should not be done?
US presenter: Ed Dong
ROK presenter: Dr. LEE Ho Ryung