pacific forum History of Pacific Forum

CSCAP Nuclear Energy Experts Group


– 09/29/2022


San Francisco, US


Session 1: Asia’s Energy Mix and the Role and Place of Nuclear Power

This session will examine the evolving energy landscape in Asia. Is the current energy mix in the region sustainable? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current energy landscape? How does Asia compare to other regions in terms of current energy mix? What are the pros and cons of including nuclear energy in the mix? Has there been a shift in public acceptance of nuclear energy in the region? What impact have the aggressive development of nuclear energy by China and India had on the rest of the region? How have energy demand dynamics influenced the market for nuclear power exports in the region?

Speaker(s): Sharon Squassoni

Session 2: Country Perspectives on Energy Landscape

This session will offer country perspectives on current and future energy landscape. How are countries addressing increasing energy demands and their commitments to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels? What are the key drivers and impediments influencing plans for diversifying energy sources? Are current clean energy transition plans achievable? What are the current or future prospects for including nuclear power as an alternative energy source?

Speaker(s): Hyuk Kim, Wei Feng Tzeng, Pou Sothirak, Shwe Yee Oo, Sabar Bin Md Hashim, Julius Cesar Trajano, Khairul Khairul, Alvin Chew, Phiphat Phruksarojanakum, Nhi Dien Nguyen

Session 3: Roundtable Discussion on Asian Energy Landscape

Session 4: Regional Nuclear Governance

This session will examine regional nuclear governance. What are the key regional nuclear governance mechanisms in the region? What roles do these mechanisms play in promoting nuclear governance? How do Asian regional mechanisms compare with mechanisms established by other regions? What is the relationship between these regional mechanisms and global mechanisms like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)? What are the key challenges these mechanism face in promoting nuclear governance in the region?

Speaker(s): Julius Cesar Trajano, Mely Caballero Anthony

Session 5: Filling the Gaps: Regional Organizations to Advance Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security

This session will examine what regional organizations can do to enhance nuclear governance in Asia. What progress in enhancing nuclear governance in Asia in recent years? How can the work of ASEANTOM and ASEAN-led mechanisms on nuclear safety and security help advance nonproliferation? Can or should the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone Treaty play a larger role in regional nuclear governance? How do Asia’s regional nuclear networks such as the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia and Asia Pacific Safeguards Network help strengthen nuclear security and nonproliferation?

Speaker(s): Phiphat Phruksarojanakun, Karla Mae Pabelina

Discussions on Global Nuclear Governance
hosted by the Stanford University Center for International Security and Cooperation

Session 6: Small Modular Reactors/Floating Nuclear Power Plants: The Technologies

This session will focus on the emergence of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs) as potential alternative to large nuclear power plants as a source of nuclear power. What are the key technologies that are being developed? Which technologies have the most promise for early adoption? What are the most likely applications of these types of reactors? How will the development of these types of reactors affect the nuclear power export market?

Speaker(s): Jorshan Choi

Session 7: SMRs/FNPPs and Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards

This session will examine the impact the deployment of SMRs and FNPPs would have on nuclear safety, security and safeguards. What are the primary 3S-related concerns associated with the deployment of these types of reactors? Can existing regulatory mechanisms address these concerns? Are there significant differences among the types of technologies being developed with regard to 3S considerations?

Speaker(s): Trevor Findlay, Adam D. Williams

Session 8: Geopolitical implications of SMR/FNPP Deployment  

This session will examine the geopolitical implications of the deployment of SMRs/FNPPs in Asia. What impact would the deployment of SMRs/FNPPs have on the current security environment in Asia? Would the early deployment of SMRs/FNPPs give a significant advantage to the country deploying them? To what extent is the security environment influencing decisions on SMR/FNPP development? What impact would the availability of SMRs have on the nuclear export market in Asia?

Speaker(s): Sanjana Gogna, Dan Zhukov

Roundtable on the future of Nuclear Energy in Asia and Wrap-up