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Honolulu International Forum featuring David Santoro



Virtual Event


Virtual Event via Zoom


David Santoro is Vice President and Director for Nuclear Policy at Pacific Forum. He specializes in strategic deterrence, arms control, and nonproliferation with a regional focus on Asia and to a lesser extent Europe. Santoro’s current interests focus on great-power competition and cooperation, particularly the role of China in an era of nuclear multipolarity. His new volume U.S.-China Nuclear Relations – The Impact of Strategic Triangles will be published by Lynne Rienner in the spring of 2021. Santoro also manages several of the Forum’s track-1.5 dialogues, including U.S.-Russia-China and U.S.-China nuclear dialogues; U.S.-Japan-South Korea extended deterrence dialogues; U.S.-Myanmar nonproliferation dialogues; and a range of Asian multilateral meetings on nonproliferation and nuclear security.

Before joining the Pacific Forum, Santoro worked on nuclear policy issues in France, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In the spring of 2010, he was also a Visiting Fellow at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation and, in 2010-2011, he was a Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Santoro is co-editor, with Tanya Ogilvie-White, of Slaying the Nuclear Dragon (University of Georgia Press, 2012) and author of Treating Weapons Proliferation (Palgrave, 2010). His essays have been published in several foreign policy monograph series and journals, including The Nonproliferation Review, Proliferation Papers, Survival, and The Washington Quarterly, and his op-eds have appeared in The Bangkok Post, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The Japan Times, PacNet, The Sydney Morning Herald, and the Wall Street Journal, among others.