Justin Kwan (CAN) is a Senior Program Manager at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, a think-tank focused on Canada-Asia relations. At the Foundation, he leads the APEC-Canada Growing Business Partnership, an international development project focused on micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Asia-Pacific. Currently, Mr. Kwan is managing a C$2.31-million expansion of the Partnership aimed at fostering sustainable economic growth in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) emerging economies by improving business practices of MSMEs. Mr. Kwan holds a M.A. in Asia Pacific Policy Studies from the University of British Columbia where he was a Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholar, and an Honours B.A. (High Distinction) from the University of Toronto. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals including Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Education About Asia and Urban Studies, as well as featured in media outlets including The Diplomat, East Asia Forum, and The Globe and Mail.