Siti Darojatul Aliah (ID) or shortly called by her nick name Dete is the Founder and Director of SeRVE (Society against Radicalism and Violent Extremism) – Indonesia. She was formerly the Managing Director of Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian (YPP) or Institute for International Peace Building and the board of YPP since 2010. She graduated from SungKongHue University of South Korea for her Masteral Degree in 2014 with major on Inter-Asia NGOs Studies. She has done various researches on PCVE issue, such as “Perception of the Grass Root Islamic Organization towards Democracy Practices in Indonesia” (2010), “The Role of Women in Jihadist Movement in Indonesia”, “The Role of Women in Counter Violence Extremism” (2017), “The Female Deportees: The Pathways to Hijrah” (2017). “The Role of Non-State Security Groups in Securing the Local from Violent Extremism” with University van Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2019), “The Usage of Corruption as Tool for Propaganda and recruitment by Violent Extremism Groups” (2019) “Radicalism in State University” (2019). She visits some prisons to meet and talk with terrorist inmates and communicates closely with the family of the terrorist inmates and former terrorist inmates as well as Indonesian deportees who deported from Turkey and returnees from Syria. She involves in preventing and countering violence extremism through several approaches such as assisting former and violence extremist offenders in order to disengage them from violence acts; assisting the wives and families of former and violence extremist offenders as an agent of disengagement of their husband and their family members; assisting Indonesia deportees who intend to travel to Syria, in order to deconstruct their radical thought, be friended with returnees from Syria, preventing young people and women from radical thought through different approaches. In order to strengthen community from radical group’s propaganda and recruitment, she established an NGO namely SeRVE Indonesia (Society Againts Radicalism and Violence Extremism). She also assisted National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) in establishing Women’s Group that promoting Peace and fight against Radicalism and Violence Extremism.