Janthasing Naruedee
Programme Analyst/ Women Peace and Security Thailand Lead UN Women Thailand
Amb. Kelley Currie
Ambassador (retired) Atlantic Council and Kilo Alpha Strategies
Ryce Chanchai
ASEAN Governance and WPS Regional Programme Lead UN Women Indonesia
Dr. Maria Tanyag
Lecturer Australian National University
Dr. Asyura Salleh
Independent Consultant
Dr. Alexandra Phelan
Deputy Director of Monash GPS Monash Gender, Peace and Security Centre (Monash GPS)
Dr. Sharmila Parmanand
ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Gender Studies London School of Economics
Veerle Nouwens
Senior Research Fellow Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
Elina Noor
Director, Political-Security Affairs and Deputy Director, Asia Society Policy Institute Asia Society
Dr. Beatrice Mosello
Senior Advisor in Climate Diplomacy and Security adelphi